Chapter 12: Statement of Cash Flows Flashcards

Klein has a 25% income tax rate and depreciates assets on a straight-line basis for tax purposes. The required rate of return on investments is 10%. What is the expected increase in annual Chapter 12: Statement of Cash Flows Flashcards net income from investing in the improvements? Calculate the accrual accounting rate of return based on average investment. Is the project worth investing in from an NPV standpoint?

  • ___ include cash activities related to noncurrent assets.
  • This method of cash flow statement preparation uses information about income statements and balance sheets.
  • If Klein plans to liquidate in 5 years, should it take this option?
  • Stock sales and dividend payments are not part of investing, they are financing.
  • The ___ method makes adjustments directly to each income statement revenue and expense line item, thereby converting each line item to a cash basis.

Activities that obtain from investors and creditors the cash needed to launch and sustain the business; a section of the statement of cash flows. As a result of the demand for more cash flow information, the ___ formally created the statement of cash flows in 1987.

C $120,000add 100,000add 50,000less 30,000stock Sales And Dividend Payments Are Not Part Of Investing, They Are Financing

Financial Budgeting The receipts portion of the cash budget lists all receipts that are expected during an accounting period (Garrison et al., 2012). Direct Cash Flow Method Selling $10,000 of treasury stock will add $10,000 and buying $10,000 of treasury stock will subtract $10,000 from financing activities.

  • Stock and bond securities, are yielded differently.
  • Ways that companies can use cash in operating activities will also be addressed by this set.
  • F. The three categories of the cash flows are ___, ___, and ___.
  • The primary purpose of the statement of cash flows is to show ___.
  • The ______________ separately lists each major item of operating cash receipts and each major item of operating cash payments.
  • In step 1 of the preparation of the statement of cash flows, the ___ method starts with net income and makes adjustments to convert net income to a cash basis.
  • D) Cash received from selling a piece of equipment.

___ include cash activities related to noncurrent assets. Noncurrent assets include long-term investments; property, plant, and equipment; and the principal amount of loans made to other entities. Reports cash receipts and cash payments classified according to the entity’s major activities; operating, investing, and financing. Non Financial Reporting Essay Lastly, the main function of statement of cash flows informs the reader the type of cash receipts and disbursements of cash.

D Net Income

The ___ provides cash receipt and cash payment information and reconciles the change in cash for a period of time. You begin this process by finding the new cash balance for a company. An activity that involves purchasing something for a business without using cash. This might involve using a credit card or a note payable.